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10 Terrifying Simpsons Predictions for 2024

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In a startling disclosure, The Simpsons, the famed animated sitcom known for its uncanny ability to foresee real-world events, has released a scary list of predictions for 2024. From political upheavals to technological developments, the show has a crystal ball that looks into the future with unsettling accuracy.

Trump’s Bid for President in 2024:

The Simpsons strikes again, predicting Donald Trump’s declaration for the 2024 presidential race. A 2015 episode saw Homer flying across a sign that eerily said “Trump 2024,” years before the former president announced his candidature.

AI Robots Assuming Control:

In a Season 23 episode, The Simpsons envisioned a world where artificial intelligence resulted in mass layoffs. As AI begins to impact sectors around the world, the eerie likeness to real-world repercussions raises concerns.

Female-led Administration:

The show’s Back to the Future episode presented Lisa as the first female president. With Kamala Harris already breaking records, curiosity abounds about whether another female candidate will aspire to the highest office.

Mars Overtakes:

The Simpsons projected a Mars migration in the 27th season, echoing recent advances in space exploration. The government’s search for Mars volunteers is consistent with the show’s foresight, raising questions about the roots of these prophetic tales.

Third World War:

Homer acted out World War III in an episode of The Tracey Ullman Show from 1987. With current geopolitical tensions rising, the once-fictional concept is uncomfortably close to reality.

Zombie End the Whole World:

A zombie apocalypse triggered by Krusty the Clown’s fast-food supper resembles the chaos witnessed in a Simpsons episode. With worldwide fears about pandemics, this prediction adds another element of fear.

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The technology of Holograms:

Holographic technology, which was once considered outlandish, is now a reality. The show’s correct anticipation of this advancement shows a fascinating link between The Simpsons authors and technology developments.

A Black Hole:

The Simpsons investigated the power of black holes in 2013, corresponding with real-world scientific research. As mankind gets closer to knowing these cosmic mysteries, the show’s depiction of Springfield’s fate foreshadows future disclosures.

Baby Translation Tool:

A gadget that converts baby babbling into real speech, seen in a third-season episode, could soon become a reality. The Simpsons’ capacity to forecast advancements calls into question our concept of happenstance.

What’s Next in 2023?:

The Simpsons’ track record includes forecasts about the US-China war, Donald Trump’s presidency, the COVID-19 pandemic, smartwatches, and even particular occurrences such as the earthquake in Turkey. We are both impressed and concerned by the show’s ability to predict the future.
As we consider the ramifications of these Simpsons predictions, we can’t help but wonder if it’s just a coincidence, or if there’s something more mysterious going on in The Simpsons’ cartoon universe. As these prophecies come to fruition, the distinction between fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurred.

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