Concerns over rising costs and the effects of mass illegal immigration are motivating thousands of Granite Staters to vote in New Hampshire’s primary election. Former President Donald Trump and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley are the front-runners on the Republican ticket in the first primary of the 2024 election cycle, with President Joe Biden conspicuously missing from the Democratic field.
Voters, especially those in the Republican party, are expressing concerns about the growth in illegal border crossings during the Biden administration, stressing the affordability of basic commodities, and expressing more uneasiness about the rising costs of life.
The vital relevance of the economy was emphasised by 74-year-old retired veteran Bob Riggi, particularly for people on social security who find it difficult to buy food. Trump acolyte Riggi underlined the importance of addressing illegal immigration, raising issues with drug usage and employment prospects for Americans.

Joe, a 47-year-old software salesman, was concerned about how his ability to make ends meet would be impacted by the entry of undocumented immigrants into the nation as well as the general increase in the cost of products and services.
According to RealClearPolitics, Trump is now beating Haley by a wide margin in the New Hampshire primary. Jerrilyn Sullivan, a 60-year-old chiropractor, highlighted infant death rates and the financial implications of the healthcare system as critical issues.
Independent small business owner Jake Holden expressed concerns about managing his company’s growing costs and stressed the significance of keeping up with world economic trends.
Republicans are not the only ones with concerns; independent couple Brian and Christina Mellor, parents of two children, also voiced concerns over social programmes and women’s health rights. Although they want to support Biden in the general election, they want to vote for Haley in the primary.

Diverse viewpoints were also evident, with some voters—like tattoo artist Damon Moore, 29—focusing on matters like the housing market, child care, and health insurance. Others, like retired 62-year-old Ernie Fredericks, gave more importance to matters like border security and the US’s place in the geopolitical arena.
Voters are considering a variety of problems as the primary progresses, which reflects the complexity and diversity of issues driving their choices. As of right now, Trump leads Biden in national and battleground state polls, highlighting the strong political environment that is influencing the 2024 election scenario.