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Who Is Winning the Competition to Be Kamala Harris’s Running Mate? Top Contenders See Support from a News Poll

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An Overview of the Leading Democratic Vice Presidential Applicants from Yahoo News

Vice President Kamala Harris is the clear favorite to replace President Biden at the head of the Democratic ticket, as evidenced by the latter’s decision to withdraw his reelection campaign on Sunday. But there’s still one unanswered question: Who will Harris choose to run with?

Greetings from the veepstakes. It’s a long-standing Washington custom in which rumors fly, people start speculating, commentators provide their opinions, screening starts, and eventually, a new political alliance is formed.

A recent Yahoo News/YouGov survey, performed from July 19 to 22, indicates that Democrats do not currently have a front-runner for the position. A majority of voters who identify as Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents responded “not sure” (30%) or “none of the above” (6%), when asked to “select all” prospective running mates for Harris.

Among the most recognizable names on the list, California Governor Gavin Newsom (30%), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (25%), and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (24%) finished in the next-highest positions. Less well-known, but maybe more feasible, Democratic candidates were North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (11%) and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (24%), Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly (18%), Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (15%), and Pennsylvania Gov. Andy Shapiro (24%).

Here is a short rundown of the top vice presidential contenders, including their advantages, disadvantages, and current odds.

Governor of California Gavin Newsom (30%)

Now possible: Although Newsom, 56, hasn’t officially ruled it out, NBC News reports that he isn’t among those being screened. This might be because he has quietly “taken [himself] out of the running.”

Positives: The governor of the nation’s most populous state is a charming and articulate man. spent the last several years positioning himself as a national spokesperson for leftists who are against Trump and MAGA. If winning the attention battle is the secret to defeating Trump, then Newsom has an advantage over other vice presidential candidates.

Cons: There are definitely too many Californians in Middle America—two is a much. One candidate would have to establish residency somewhere else since the 12th Amendment forbids presidential tickets that include two candidates from the same state. His dining at the opulent French Laundry restaurant during COVID-19 lockdowns doesn’t help either. Would probably want to wait out this cycle in order to run for president in 2028 or later.

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Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (25%)

Now possible: The Harris team is reportedly “considering” Buttigieg, 42, “as a possible running mate,” according to MSNBC. Additionally, he has been using TV as a surrogate quite a bit lately, which may be a sign of interest.

Positives: Indiana-based origins in the Midwest. strengthens the Biden administration’s continuity after working in his Cabinet. understands how the White House is run. biggest national prominence following that of Newsom. has gained a great deal of favor during his unexpectedly successful 2020 presidential campaign. intensifies Harris’s argument about “the past vs. the future.” Being the first out homosexual candidate for vice president, he would be historic in his own right. One of the Democratic Party’s greatest “athletes” or messengers in politics.

Cons: Indiana is too Republican to win; it also probably wouldn’t alter the statistics in the other Rust Belt states. Indeed, historic — but too historic? Republicans would point to his record as secretary of transportation and associate him with measures they believe to be ineffective for Biden.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (24%)

Now possible: Whitmer, 52, has declared her lack of interest. Whitmer said in her previous statement to reporters, “I am not leaving Michigan.” “I understand that everyone is constantly wary and keeps asking the same question, but I’m not going anywhere.” Whitmer has allegedly been asked for vetting records by the Harris campaign, however Whitmer has refuted those claims.

Positives: had the most buzz of any Democratic governor in his early years. overseeing Michigan, arguably the most significant swing state. demonstrated her deft political maneuvering in the 2022 midterm elections, which are usually difficult for the president’s party. She defeated her Republican opponent, a well-known conservative media figure, in the race for reelection by more than ten percentage points, enabling Democrats to take control of the state legislature. continued to sign progressive measures pertaining to unions, guns, climate change, and LGBTQ rights, and established herself as a prominent proponent of abortion rights following the Roe decision — all while keeping one of the highest net popularity ratings of any governor in a battleground state. may be advantageous for Harris in a state where victory is essential.

Cons: Fear of what’s not known. Prior to Harris, there had never been a female vice president elected in the United States. Now, she is requesting that voters elect her as the country’s first female president, along with the first Black and South Asian woman presidents. Would an all-female ticket excite Democrats and increase turnout, or would it be too “historic” for swing voters in the middle of the road? Based on the other names circulating, Harris is more likely to be a “safe,” middle-aged white male.

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Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s governor (24%)

Now possible: Shapiro, 51, is apparently being investigated by the Harris campaign; the media has characterized him as a front-runner. When asked on Monday if he would take the position, Shapiro replied that Harris “will make that decision when she is ready” and that it is “deeply personal” for her to choose the person with whom she feels most comfortable. Stated differently, he has “left the door open.”

Positives: won Pennsylvania, the vital “blue wall” state, by a commanding 15-point margin in 2022. has established a solid reputation as a pragmatic and pragmatic governor. Continues to have popularity after leading the repair of the I-95 bridge earlier this year. might help win the Keystone State’s 19 electoral votes and strengthen the ticket in the vital Philadelphia suburbs. lead many successful lawsuits to thwart former President Donald Trump’s plan while serving as Pennsylvania’s attorney general and seeking to reverse his defeat in the 2020 election. Having two prosecutors on the ticket might support Harris’s “tough on Trump” stance. would be the first vice president who is Jewish.

Cons: His support for school vouchers has angered teachers unions. might rekindle Democratic internal strife over Israel and turn off some younger voters with his outspoken opposition to student demonstrations in favor of Gaza.

Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona (18%)

Now possible: Kelly, 60, is reportedly another “leading candidate” whom the Harris team is screening. He hasn’t made any public remarks about the procedure.

Positives: There aren’t many more “sterling” political resumes than Kelly’s: origins in the working class. Son of a policeman. flew 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm while serving in the Navy. was a NASA astronaut and engineer who served as the space shuttle Endeavour’s commander. looked after Rep. Gabby Giffords, his wife, following her gunshot wound to the head during a political event. Since then, the Second Amendment-supporting gun owner has advocated for gun safety measures. won two U.S. Senate elections in Arizona, the state that might decide the 2024 presidential election and where Democrats had not had a Senate seat since 1988 until 2018. might use his “expertise on the technical issues and politics of the U.S.-Mexico border” and the trust he has gained from Republicans to strengthen Harris’s strongest area of vulnerability, which is immigration.

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Cons: **Maintains a careful, low-key profile. Not a “dog of attack.” The Democratic governor of Arizona may choose a successor until 2026, at which point the party may find it difficult to locate a contender qualified to take Kelly’s position.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (15%)

Now possible: Beshear, 46, has verified rumors that he is undergoing investigation. “It is a privilege to be under consideration, and I will exert every effort until Election Day to secure Kamala Harris’s election as the next President of the United States of America,” he said in a statement released on Thursday. “That is my entire statement on that topic, and you all know what question that is in response to.” has been making assaults on Ohio Senator JD Vance, the Republican contender for vice president, in an attempt to get the post.

Positives: won with ease in 2023, his second electoral triumph in a state that hasn’t supported a Democrat for president since the 1990s. has a 67% popularity rating, making him the second most popular governor in America right now, according to Morning Consult. has positioned himself as a moderate for the next generation who can appeal to crossover votes by emphasizing financial concerns above cultural war conflicts. Like Harris, he was also a former state attorney general.

Cons: Regardless of Harris’s choice of running partner, deeply conservative Kentucky will not support her. It’s unclear where Beshear may be of assistance.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (14%)

Now possible: Cooper,67, is apparently undergoing background checks. Although he has avoided discussing it, he hasn’t ruled out running for vice president. Cooper stated on MSNBC on Monday, “I appreciate that people are talking about me, but I think this week’s focus should be on [Harris].” has since made fun of Vance, calling him Trump’s “mini-me.”

Positives: Cooper, a former rural Nash County Sunday school teacher who grew up laboring on his parents’ tobacco farm, has never lost an election in North Carolina. Seen as a nonpartisan, moderate agreement

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