Strategic Ambiguity Criticized:
- Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of the US-Taiwan Business Council, argues that the US policy of strategic ambiguity undermines Taiwan’s defense capabilities.
- This policy creates uncertainty about US intervention in a potential Taiwan-China conflict.
Impact on Taiwan’s Defense:
- Restricts Taiwan’s comprehensive defense development
- Limits US arms sales to specific areas

Recent Developments:
- Denial of anti-submarine helicopters request
- Cancellation of two defense deals deemed “too expensive”
Defense Supply Backlog:
- $19.1 billion worth of weapons ordered by Taiwan facing delays
- Includes traditional arms, asymmetric weapons, and munitions
Call for Strategic Clarity:
- Hammond-Chambers advocates for a clearer US policy towards Taiwan
- Suggests division of defense responsibilities between US and Taiwan

Political Considerations:
- Predicts potential differences in approach between Republican and Democratic administrations
- Notes bipartisan shift towards greater clarity on Taiwan policy
The debate over US policy towards Taiwan highlights the complex balance between deterring Chinese aggression and avoiding provocation. While some argue for clearer commitments to Taiwan’s defense, others warn of potential escalation. The ongoing discussion reflects the critical nature of this issue in US foreign policy and its implications for regional stability.