Even though time is running out for lawmakers, top Republicans are still hopeful that crypto legislation will be passed before the end of the year. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), a well-known supporter of cryptocurrency in Congress, said this at the SALT Wyoming Symposium, which took place just before the Federal Reserve’s yearly meeting in Jackson Hole. Lummis and his fellow Republican Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) talked about how crypto-friendly laws could be passed, even though the political environment is tough right now.

The Way Forward for Legislation
Senator Lummis agreed that there isn’t much time left to pass complete crypto law. She did say, though, that the Senate Agriculture Committee might be able to help things move forward. “The only way we’re going to get anything done this year is if it comes through the Senate Agriculture Committee in the form of Commodity Futures Trading Commission [CFTC] legislation,” he said. This committee, which usually deals with farming and rural problems, has become an unexpected fight for crypto regulation because it is in charge of goods, including digital assets.
Senator Scott, the top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, agreed with Lummis that things were looking up, but he also pointed out the problems that the present Senate leadership is creating. Lummis and Scott both said that Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Senate Banking Committee Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) were major problems in the way of pushing crypto-friendly policies. Even with these problems, the Senators are looking for clever ways to get through the parliamentary process.
A Effort by Both Parties?
Most people think that Republicans are more in favor of cryptocurrency, but there are signs that people from both parties are interested in the problem. Recently, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) promised to get crypto legislation passed by the Senate. This gave people hope for a possible middle ground. Lummis described a possible outcome for a bill that could come out of the Senate Agriculture Committee and include rules for stablecoins and other money-related measures. It was like a “Christmas tree,” she said, because different policy goals could be attached to it to make a complete financial services package.
However, Lummis also admitted that passing such laws would be hard given the present political climate. “The challenge is going to be having enough legislative days to pull something like that off,” she said. Since the 2024 elections are coming up quickly, time is running out for lawmakers to take action.
What the Senate Banking Committee Does
If the Republicans win back the Senate in the upcoming elections, Senator Scott will likely be named Chair of the Senate Banking Committee. Scott brought up the idea of making a group just for digital assets in his speech at the SALT Symposium. “Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a subcommittee on the Banking Committee that focuses on the industry, so that we bring more light to the conversation, more hearings on the industry, so that we get things done faster,” he said. In addition to speeding up the legislative process, this move could also create a special place to talk about the crypto industry’s specific problems and possibilities.
Even though Scott has only recently become involved in crypto policy, he has quickly become a key player. His attendance at the BTC Nashville meeting last month with Lummis was another sign of his dedication to pushing crypto-friendly legislation. At the meeting, Scott said what many people in the crypto community were thinking when they called for less strict rules and encouraged the growth of the industry.
Things to think about when voting
The political situation for crypto laws is getting more complicated as the 2024 election draws near. Scott said that Republicans might get 52 or 53 seats in the U.S. Senate after the election, which could mean that the Republicans take control of the house. This change could have a big effect on the chances of passing crypto law, especially if Republicans can keep the topic moving forward.
Scott made it clear that the push for crypto-friendly policies isn’t just for political gain; it’s also to address the worries of American voters. “It’s not about going after more votes. It’s all about getting what you want. “Americans vote on issues that most people care about, followed by issues that affect their community,” he said, using former President Donald Trump’s speech at the BTC Nashville conference as an example of how crypto has become important to some voter groups.
Lummis, on the other hand, attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that her government would not be good for the crypto business. During the group, Lummis said, “There is no sign that [Harris] would be good for this industry.” Harris’s team hasn’t released any crypto-specific plans yet, so it’s not clear what the future holds for the business if she becomes president.
How Much Is at Stake for Republicans?
The 2024 election cycle is a one-of-a-kind chance for Republicans to move their crypto plan forward. Lummis said that the current map of the electoral college is better for Republicans than it will be in the future. “The 2024 election is the friendliest one for Republicans over the next six years,” she said, adding that the problems Republicans will face in 2026 and 2028 will be harder.

Lummis thinks that Republicans could make big gains in the legislative process if they win the president, the House, and the Senate in 2024. Especially when it comes to digital assets. “We could do great things if we had a Republican president, House, and Senate for two years.” We might be important. It’s possible for us to lead in this and other fields and move things in a way that encourages new ideas, she said.
He did say, though, that Republicans might not get another chance for a while if they don’t take advantage of this one. “If we miss this opportunity, we don’t have the same opportunity for a long time,” she told us.
It will be hard to get crypto law passed in the U.S. in 2024, but some key Republicans are still optimistic. Senators Lummis and Scott are leading the charge to pass crypto-friendly laws, even though the political situation is complicated and the legislative schedule is getting shorter. When the 2024 elections come around, the risks are very high, and the result could affect the future of the crypto business in the US for a long time.