The computer business is always changing, and one pattern that many find puzzling is the rise of layoffs in contrast to rising earnings. Executives are mum about the underlying causes, but marketing guru Scott Galloway has revealed what he sees as the best-kept secret in the industry: artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used as the corporate weight reduction medicine of the modern day, or “Ozempic.”

Galloway, a well-known TV personality and marketing professor, has put forth a convincing argument about the rise in IT layoffs. According to him, AI is subtly changing the workforce in the background and enabling businesses to reduce unnecessary expenses without publicly admitting their dependence on this game-changing technology. Drawing comparisons to the weight loss sector, where people frequently use Ozempic covertly to lose weight without disclosing their identity, Galloway proposes that artificial intelligence is the covert driver driving the current wave of layoffs.
The figures say it all. Even as they report record earnings, major tech companies like Meta, Apple, Salesforce, and Alphabet have all made news recently for large layoffs. Since November 2022, Meta alone has laid off almost 20,000 workers, while announcing an astounding $40.1 billion in sales for the fourth quarter of 2023. Galloway contends that rather than being a hasty response to financial difficulties, these seemingly incongruous occurrences indicate a purposeful strategic shift.
Galloway isn’t persuaded by some CEOs’ outspoken denials that there is any connection between AI integration and layoffs, citing their unwillingness to fully embrace this bright new future. He compares their disdain to those who blame gluten-free diets for weight reduction instead of recognizing Ozempic’s impact. Similar to how Ozempic stifles desires, artificial intelligence (AI) allows businesses to reduce expenses and optimize processes without compromising efficiency.
Galloway, meanwhile, quickly allays concerns about a general loss of employment, stating that AI would actually enhance human work rather than replace it. Employee empowerment via the automation of repetitive chores will enable them to concentrate on more strategic and creative projects, which will eventually spur organizational development and innovation. AI and human capital work together to create a new age of efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

Experts anticipate a sharp increase in need for qualified workers in the field of artificial intelligence as its role grows. Businesses from a wide range of industries are already vying for the best employees because they understand how AI may revolutionize their industry and provide them a competitive edge. Even while there are many questions about the nature of labor in the future, one thing is certain: AI will continue to have an impact.
Galloway predicts a move toward openness in the upcoming years as business leaders freely recognize AI’s critical role in transforming the labor market. The once-hidden truth—that artificial intelligence (AI) is the corporate Ozempic, quelling the need for superfluous labor—will come to light and completely change how we see and welcome technical advances in business. In other words, it’s not about employing less people but rather about using AI to maximize human potential, as Galloway succinctly concludes. It’s not about having less bread, but rather having less of a hunger for bread.