Telegram has introduced a third-party account verification system as part of its latest app update, aiming to reduce scams and misinformation. This feature allows verified public figures or organizations to verify other accounts, such as employees, through an official bot authorized by Telegram.
In a blog post, Telegram explained, “This decentralized verification platform sets a new safety benchmark for social platforms, helping to prevent fraud and misinformation.” Verified accounts will display a simple, minimalistic icon next to their name, signaling their verification status.
The company emphasized that this third-party verification is separate from Telegram’s internal verification system. Detailed instructions for becoming a verifier are available in Telegram’s guide.

Alongside the new verification feature, Telegram introduced advanced search filters, enabling users to narrow their search results by private chats, group chats, or channels. The update also includes custom emojis for folder names, reactions for service messages, and the option to upgrade gifts to NFTs.
Telegram’s efforts have paid off, as the company recently reached profitability, driven by features like Premium subscriptions, ads, and Telegram Stars.
However, the platform has faced challenges. In August of last year, Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, was arrested amid accusations that the app didn’t do enough to prevent illegal activities.
Despite these issues, Telegram continues to focus on safety and user experience, reinforcing its place as a top messaging platform.