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Anti-U.S. Military Policy Protest Marks Biden’s Berlin Visit

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A crowd of several hundred demonstrators converged on Berlin’s Alexanderplatz Friday evening, voicing opposition to President Joe Biden’s diplomatic visit. Protesters expressed their discontent through chants and signage, targeting U.S. military decisions and international policies.

The demonstration coincided with Biden’s meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, where both leaders confirmed their continued military assistance to Ukraine and Israel. A particular focus of protesters’ criticism was the planned 2026 installation of U.S. ground-launched intermediate-range missiles on German soil.

Demonstrators displayed placards criticizing U.S. involvement in global conflicts, particularly regarding the Israel-Palestine situation. Protest participant Martin Schuke emphasized the need for diplomatic solutions over military intervention, while fellow demonstrator Georg Ismael highlighted concerns about potential nuclear escalation in Europe due to the missile deployment plans.

The gathering called on German leadership to maintain independence from U.S. military strategies and pursue diplomatic alternatives. Despite the charged atmosphere surrounding Biden’s short stay in Berlin, law enforcement reported the protest remained orderly and nonviolent.

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