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A group of 100 untamed chickens harasses the village of Norfolk

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Norfolk’s Snettisham A group of about 100 feral hens are posing an unexpected annoyance to the people of Snettisham. These birds are terrorizing the village, ruining gardens and keeping residents up at night. They emerged from a nearby wood.

The villagers report an increase in tourists who are attracted to the sight, feeding the birds and unintentionally bringing in rodents. Tensions between locals and visitors have increased as a result.

Parish councillor Rod Mackenzie voiced his displeasure, pointing out the harm the hens had caused as well as the ensuing rat issue. They cause a lot of discomfort. He said, “If they get into your garden, they dig everything up.”

One homeowner, Ben King, complained about the loudness all the time and had to wear earplugs to sleep. He bemoaned, “They’re out of control now.”

Still, not everyone is unhappy. After moving from Cambridge eighteen months ago, Graeme McQuade likes the rustic appeal the chickens provide. He said, “It gives the place character.”

Despite differing views, the parish council is debating taking action because of the rodent problem and health risks. The village is trying to find a way out of this feathered dilemma, therefore the controversy is still going strong.

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