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Alice Wood Was Imprisoned for Killing Ryan Watson

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Tragically, Alice Wood has been found guilty of running over Ryan Watson and killing him. She has been sentenced to prison. According to testimony given in court, Wood drove towards Watson a third time, dragging him beneath the car and resulting in his death from crush asphyxiation.

Wood stopped after travelling 158 metres and requested a neighbour to call for help, worried that she might have ran her partner over. Subsequently, paramedics verified that Mr. Watson had passed away there.

In a letter to the judge during the trial, Wood admitted full responsibility for the incident but insisted that her car was used as a tool of intimidation rather than with the intention of killing someone. Judge Leeming, however, refused to be persuaded and declared, “I am certain that there was an intent to kill.”

In support of Wood, Gudrun Young KC stated that the couple appeared to be genuinely in love, had recently bought a home together, and were talking about starting a family. Wood’s defence lawyer said that Wood expressed sincere regret.

In contrast to Wood’s assertions, the judge declared that he didn’t think she was intimidated or afraid of Mr. Watson’s aggression that evening. He emphasised Watson’s vulnerability in that he was a pedestrian and had no way of stopping the deadly conduct.

Senior CPS prosecutor David Jones called the incident “a tragic loss of life” and hoped Ryan’s family would find some comfort in the conviction.

In a devastating victim impact statement, Lisa Watson, the victim’s mother, said that her world had come to an end when she learned of her son’s passing. She highlighted the terrible effect on her family and accused Wood of not caring much for Ryan.

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As Ryan Watson’s younger brother Owen testified in court and described the deep sorrow and gloom that have engulfed their life since the tragedy, Wood, clearly distraught, wiped away tears. Ryan, he said, is the joyful place in his heart and his best buddy, and without him, life will never be the same.

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