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Government Action on Smart Motorways is Demanded by RAC

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The RAC is pushing for the government to take immediate action to address safety issues related to smart motorways. Specifically, they are calling for the installation of dynamic lanes or the reinstatement of hard shoulders. This occurs precisely a year after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in response to growing criticism, put a stop to all upcoming smart motorway projects.

The absence of hard shoulders on smart highways, especially the All-lane-running (ALR) variety, has drawn criticism and raised safety concerns. Outrage has been generated by fatal accidents with cars stuck in live lanes, leading to the designation of some roads as “death traps.”

Protesters, including people who have sadly lost loved ones in smart road incidents, are still calling for quick action to reduce hazards. The seriousness of the current safety concerns has led to the consideration of corporate manslaughter charges in certain instances.

Sarah Champion, MP, and polling data showing resounding support from drivers for the return of hard shoulders provide backing for the RAC’s reform push. Previous government accusations of interruption and expense are superseded by the necessity of safety.

Despite National Highways’ defense of smart motorway safety records in comparison to traditional ones, worries remain, particularly with regard to ALR designs. Nonetheless, the government has committed large funding to improve the current smart motorways in recognition of the public’s desire for a sense of security.

The focus of discussions on how to solve these safety issues is still on smart highways, with calls for quick action to stop more tragedies.

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