Although performing a plank may appear simple at first, it can be difficult to hold your complete body still for more than 30 seconds. But there are a lot of incredible health benefits, so it’s worth the effort to learn how to perform a solid plank. These are five unexpected advantages of adding planks to your regular exercise regimen.
1. Improve Equilibrium
Planking requires you to use a variety of muscle groups to maintain your stability because you have to force yourself to stay upright without falling. Regular plank exercises will help you become much more balanced. This increased coordination and decreased danger of falling can result from this enhanced balance, which can also boost performance in other physical activities.
2. Boost Adaptability
Planks aid in improving flexibility in addition to strength development. Maintaining the plank posture aids in extending and hamstring stretches, as well as arches and ball of the foot stretches. This may result in increased flexibility and range of motion in certain regions. With time, less stiffness in the muscles and improved athletic performance may result from this enhanced flexibility.

3. Aid in Injury Prevention
To prevent injuries, it is essential to have a steady and strong core. Planks work the muscles in your core, which contributes to the formation of a solid foundation for the entire body. An injury is less likely to occur when your core is strong because it can transfer force to your limbs more effectively. A strong core can assist shield you from strains and sprains when you lift weights, run, or engage in sports.
4. Lessen Pain in the Lower Back
Weak core muscles and bad posture are common causes of lower back discomfort. Weak core muscles result in the surrounding muscles bearing more of the weight of supporting the body, which can be painful and cause strain. You can lessen the strain on your lower back by using planks to strengthen your core. By using the muscles surrounding the spine, planks help to maintain appropriate alignment and lessen the pain that comes with having a weak core.
5. Straighten Your Back
Maintaining proper posture and supporting the spine are largely dependent on the muscles of the core. Numerous issues, such as back discomfort, neck pain, and reduced mobility, can be brought on by poor posture. Plank exercises support the sturdiness and functionality of these core muscles by strengthening them. Over time, you might observe an improvement in your posture as a result. Maintaining proper posture not only makes you look better, but it also makes you healthier overall by easing the load on your joints and muscles.
How to Perform a Correct Plank
It’s crucial to execute the plank properly if you want to enjoy these advantages. Here’s how to do it:
- Start Position: Place your hands directly under your shoulders and place your feet hip-width apart to start in a push-up position. As an alternative, you can perform a forearm plank by lowering yourself onto your forearms.
- Aligning Your Body: Maintain a straight posture from your head to your heels. Do not allow your hips to droop or erect excessively.
- Engage Core: Draw your belly button in the direction of your spine to tighten your core muscles.
- Hold the Position : Hold the plank with proper form for as long as you can. As your power increases, progressively increase the time from 20 to 30 seconds.
- Inhaling : Throughout the workout, keep in mind to breathe deeply and steadily.

By adding planks to your regular exercise regimen, you can achieve notable gains in your flexibility, balance, injury avoidance, posture, and reduction of lower back discomfort. As your strength and endurance grow, start with shorter holds and progressively extend them. As you continue, you’ll begin to experience these unexpected advantages that improve your general health and wellbeing.